HomeServicesCustom Domain Verification

Custom Domain Verification

Optimize your email deliverability and comply with the upcoming sender policy requirements from Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL, effective February 2024, by sending emails from your own domain. To achieve this, authenticate your custom domain with Omnisend or any other email marketing platform that you are using to send out your email marketing.

Who will be impacted by these changes? Any email sender who is sending more than 5,000 emails per month has to abide by the new rules in order to avoid disruptions to their email marketing.

What are the main requirements that Google, Yahoo, and AOL are asking senders to meet:

  1. Set up DMARC authentication for your sending domain
  2. Align your “From:” header with your domain
  3. Make unsubscribing easier and clearer

Don’t have time to read pages of technical guides to get this done? Luckily, Enflow Digital offers a one-off service to take care of this for you.

Service fee: 75 USD

Duration: 1 – 2 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I get started?
    Book and appointment with on the contact us page and we’ll instruct you on the next steps. Please make sure you have your logins to your email marketing platform and your DNS service provider at hand so our specialists would be able to provide you with a quick and smooth service.
  2. What do I need to have before reaching out to you?
    • Name of the domain hosting service (that’s where you purchased your domain. e.g. Shopify, GoDaddy, …)
    • Username and password to access your domain hosting service
    • Access to your Omnisend (or any other email marketing platform that you are using) to grant us access
  3. I have multiple domains or stores which need this service. Can I get a discount?
    Yes, let us know how many domains you’ll need us to set up for you and will give you a friendly discount.
  4. Are there any other commitments outside of the one-off service payment?
    No, this is a one-time payment for a one-off service. There are no other fees outside of this payment.
  5. What does this service include?
    This service only includes verifying your domain with Omnisend by updating your domain hosting registrar’s DNS records.
  6. What does this NOT include?
    This service does NOT include any technical support, fixes, or additional changes outside of the immediate provision of the domain verification service.
  7. I still have questions, how can I reach you?
    Reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know you need help.